People who clip their fingernails on public transit are the bane of my existence. Isn’t it shocking that there has to actually be a category for them? Why is this as common a sighting as it is?
Like today I was on the streetcar, seated next to a lovely young woman who suddenly whipped out the clippers and started in. Some of the clippings fell directly to the floor and some kind of pooled into her lap and every once in a while she would brush them off onto the floor. She was cheerfully and totally oblivious to my unbroken stare of disgust and my passive-aggressive loud sighs. When she was done, and organizing her things, I realized that the clippers were actually attached to her keychain. The horror! Swiss Army Knife? Check. Corkscrew? I can see how it might come in handy. But come on, do you need to clip your nails while on the go so often that you need to carry your tools with you?
I realize that subway cars and buses are by their nature kind of dirty and occasionally someone spills their coffee, but come on, people, work with me. Keep the personal hygiene at home where it belongs.